Monday, August 15, 2011

The Books, the Web, and All Things In Between

I've got a few things to share with you all. First, I've finalized my book trailer. Take a look and be sure to "Like" the video if you enjoyed it.

The novel is due for release September 1, 2011. You can pre-order the book now here.

I also launched my new web site The Hen House. There you'll find what's coming and some quirky things about me. It's a work in progress and no doubt will grow as more books are published.

I'm currently working on the next novel, By Virtues' Design, that is due for release October 15, 2011. The book cover is done, which I will post soon.


  1. Hello, my name is Gabriel, and I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and I'm convidadando to participate in my blog, I am counting on you. I like your blog very nice, well done.


  2. I LOVE the new site and love the book trailer! You're awesome - I'M SO STOKED TO READ IT!
