Friday, July 16, 2010

Plots and things

I've gotten some good plot concepts down and will now work out fleshing out the story on my newest project.

I've gotten back into raiding in World of Warcraft. Fortunately, I've been able to finally reach the Lich King, which was something I thought I wouldn't see. I'm very happy to be part of a guild that is progressing nicely. It helps we have a good group of people. Which brings me to another subject...

My mother used to say, "People are stupid." Honestly, I have a more positive experience with people. Ever since I've started playing World of Warcraft, I've met some doozies and I've met some gems. Over the years I've developed friendships with people I not only associate with in the video game, but in real life too. They are good people with hearts of gold and I am tickled pink to know them. When I consider that I would never have met them had I not played the video game, it makes me realize just how amazing technology can be. More over, I am grateful to those who had a dream of making the best MMORPG in the world. It allowed people like my husband and I to connect while apart (my husband lived in South Africa while we 'dated' on-line), meet like minded individuals, and participate in a club-like environment to build and achieve goals as a team. I find it ironic that although the game has a more positive impact on people's lives, both the media and politicians focus only on the few individuals who can't seem to get a real life and use the game as an excuse to destroy their lives. Playing a video game is like anything else in life, you are in control not it. To blame video games for the ills of society is as foolish as spending 48 hours playing it without eating or working. So, play on my fellow gamers. And let the lootz roll.

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