Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What it takes to write a novel


Yes, you have to love to write, have a good story, and know how to market your product. But you have to actually write something first. The difference between successful writers and those that only have a dream is tenacity.

Like anything worthwhile in life, you have to work at something until you hone your skills, find the right resources, and figure out timing. Imagine that it's like a good poker hand. You've got to be patient, know when to hold 'em, know when to walk away, and know when to play the game even when everyone will tell you you'll never make it. The way to make it is to buckle down and write.

There are days every writer goes through when life keeps wiggling to the fore, while pushing creativity back. Tenacity will see you through at these times, to make sure you keep your butt on the chair and your fingers on the keyboard. If you need a break, make sure its not a long one and keep a note pad nearby when your muse decides to whisper into your ear. You'll be amazed when ideas crop up, but don't let them stew too long. Jot them down, get them onto the pages. Even if they're chapters way into the book, write them down and put them aside until its time to integrate them into the rest of the novel. I did this on my latest work, because I was ready for that part. With only some minor edits, it went straight into the end without a hitch.

Tenacity also describes getting published. I've been writing novels off and on for over ten years. Throughout that time I've written books in fantasy and paranormal fiction, and though I've been working to find a good agent, I know my dream will become a reality because I won't give up. I don't need positive affirmations. I'm my own affirmation, because I work hard and I keep at it. I am fortunate to have the support of friends and family now (not something I've always had, which sucked), and I feel strongly that my success is within reach, because I've labored hours upon hours to hone my writing skill until I could produce a quality product. I'm not boasting that I'm the best author out there. I'm certainly not writing literary classics, but I know my stories are fun entertainment that takes you to another place in time where endearing characters touch your heart as well as your funny bone. I know it, because each time I read my stories I actually enjoy them too. Yeah, that is odd since I couldn't say that at the beginning when I started over ten years ago. Tenacity kept me at the keyboard to keep working on all these stories I've conjured up since I was a kid.

So you have a novel you'd like to write. Good. Excellent! Then by golly, sit down already and write it. When your butt starts to lift off the chair, weight it down with some tenacity and keep writing.

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