Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Today I said my last goodbye to a dear friend I work with at the civil engineering firm. As Clint and I drove away from her home I felt a wave of emotion, one of many I've been experiencing but that I couldn't fully grasp until then. I'm not just leaving associates or friends behind. I'm leaving a part of me behind.

I've lived in California most of my life. I was born here, in Glendale to be exact. I love this state for its diverse culture, the arts, the way of life, and especially the people. I may have my contentions about the political scene, I have for many years, but the memories I've made here were with some of the most endearing individuals a person could meet. I have laughed with them, triumphed with them, fought with them, and cried with them. I see their faces shining in the gallery of my life as scepters who reminded me that life is such a wondrous experience, only fully appreciated with good company. They shared a part of themselves with me and for this I am grateful. I will make new friends and those friends will touch me with their unique spirits just as my friends have here. But years down the road when I have laughed with these new friends, triumphed with them, fought with them, and cried with them, I won't forget the people here and how precious each person is to me. I will give thanks that I was blessed to walk by their side.

I love you. I always have, even in the hard times. I always will. I won't be gone. I'll just be somewhere else. No matter where our journeys take us you will always be in my heart.

So goodbye California...goodbye my dear friends.

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