Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Some sad news

My husband just learned today that his father is in the hospital. This explains why he wasn't on Skype (a wonderful VOIP service I highly recommend) for their weekly chat. My husband immediately felt guilty, because he knew to call his father to make sure all was well, but it slipped his mind when other things warred for his attention. Fortunately, his father was smart enough to go to the doctor at the first sign of trouble. They were able to patch him up and he's now recovering with a good prognosis.


My poor husband feels helpless out here in California. That's because his father is in South Africa, my husband's homeland. So, he pines to see his father all the while wondering when he'll make it back there.


We're hopeful. With the plans to move to Texas where the cost of living is lower than California and job prospects brighter, it won't be long before we'll be able to make that trip and finally visit his folks.


We're keeping our chin up, though admittedly I have to keep my finger under the hubby's chin to keep it upright. It's all good. Especially given that Dad will be back home soon.

We love you, Dad!

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes to Fox and to his family. *Hug.* I hope his Dad makes a very speedy recovery.
